Cash donations for the victims of the earthquake

Budapeşte Büyükelçiliği 15.02.2023

We would like to inform you that those who wish to provide aid in cash to the victims of the tragic earthquake disaster in Türkiye may send their donations to the bank accounts of the Embassy listed below.

We thank you for your kind assistance and support.

The Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Budapest

Bank name : MKB Bank Nyrt.

Branch name : Székhely Váci ú.

Account name : Török Köztársaság Budapesti Nagykövetsége


HUF Account No. : 10300002-13308929-00024900

HUF IBAN No. : HU82 1030 0002 1330 8929 0002 4900

EURO Account No. : 10300002-13308929-00064889

EURO IBAN No. : HU86 1030 0002 1330 8929 0006 4889


C. Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu Büyükelçi
Pazartesi - Cuma

(Konsolosluk Şubesi Müracaat Saatleri: 09:00-12:30)
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